Our Foundation for Architecture´s major focus is to support highly motivated and talented young architects during the course of their studies. The foundation’s patron, who himself received decisive impetus for his professional career during his academic studies at different schools of architecture in Germany as well as abroad, wants to provide similar opportunities for young up-and-coming architects. The aim is to create excellent training paths, including semesters abroad, which require additional funding and are therefore only accessible to a small number of students. And also the promotion of talented young craftsmen in the acquisition of skills which are only practiced to a limited extent in Germany, or not yet at all, and which can therefore be acquired best abroad, is another of the medium- and long-term funding objectives of the foundation. The key- factor for all this will always be the promotion of excellence in architecture and construction.
The name Atelierhausstiftung Architektur (“Atelierhaus Foundation for Architecture”) is linked to the “Atelierhaus”, a small-scale office-building which Joachim Schwarzenberg developed in the yard of Martin Luther Str. 11a in Frankfurt am Main, in 1998. Since then it has been rented out to creative professionals. In December 2018, one of the ateliers was transferred into the ownership of the foundation.
Documents for Download:
Foundation statutes:
PDF file available here
Foundation document:
PDF file available here
Certificate of right of representation:
PDF file available here
The Atelierhaus Stiftung Architektur is a member of “Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen” (Association of German Foundations).